Minutes of meeting held at 7.00pm on Thursday 26 June 2018 at Elwick WI Hall

Present: Cllrs. P. Hutchinson (Chair), D. Atkins, E. Hurst, B. Irving, R. Musgrave, H. Thompson,

R. Thompson

In Attendance:Mrs. M. West, Clerk, ward Cllr B. Loynes, Mr. C. Banks (EPC Webmaster)

1. Apologies: None received


2. Public Forum: No members of public, other than Mr Banks, present

3.  Declarations of Interest:Cllrs Thompson in Item 5(b),


4.  Minutes of 24thMay 2018:Accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5.  Matters Arising:

(a) Wynyard Notice Board: Cllr Atkins informed that the WRA had requested the noticeboard be placed near to the school and asked the Clerk to contact the Chair, Kit Lofthouse to arrange a date/time for this. It was agreedthat Affordable Landscapes be asked to undertake the work. Action:Clerk to contact Kit Lofthouse and John Pearson. 

(b) Red Gap Community Fund: The Clerk reported that the claim for the 2017 grant had been submitted as had two applications to the 2018 round. Both Cllrs Thompson declared an interest as their son Jamie had provided the quotes on which the applications were based. These were for the resurfacing of the two cinder paths at each end of the green, to make them safer; the first application for the Church Bank path also included a safety fence to replace the worn concrete and scaffolding fence and was in the sum of £17,750; the cost for resurfacing the path to the east of the green was £6,500. As the cost of each of these applications was over £5,000, the Parish Council would have to meet 20% of the overall cost. As a result, she and Cllr H, Thompson had felt it unrealistic to apply for further play equipment this year. The Clerk and Cllr Thompson were thanked for their efforts.  

(c) Christmas tree:The meeting was suspended for 10 minutes whilst Councillors went to look at the Christmas tree. On their return, Cllr R. Thompson stated that it was clear that the tree was too big and encroaching on the trees on either side. He proposed that the tree be demolished, a proposal that met with unanimous agreement. The Clerk informed that Derek Wardle, HBC Arboriculturalist, had stated that the Parish Council would have to apply for permission to remove the tree as it was within the Conservation area. The clerk was asked to do this immediately. Action:Clerk to contact Derek Wardle and Sarah Scarr, Conservation Officer, HBC.

(d) Trees in The Walk:The Clerk drew to the attention of Councillors that, at the Parish Meeting, the problem of two trees in The Walk had been raised by residents and noted that she had been reminded of this by Chris Banks. Mr. Banks confirmed this and explained that the trees in question were planted by the developer and were Italian Elders, forest trees that grew quickly, and were now far too tall, blocking light from homes around The Walk. Councillors agreed that the trees should be removed, but felt that another, more appropriate tree(s) should be planted in their place. The Clerk was asked to seek advice on a native tree, from Derek Wardle - one that would grow no more than 20-foot tall and whose leaves would provide a contrast to the copper beech on the site and bring recommendations to the next meeting. Action:Clerk to contact Derek Wardle. 

(e) Playing Field:The Clerk reported that the zip wire has been erected without a ramp for children to access the wire, which meant the equipment was not ready for use. She had contacted the company who provided the zip wire; they can provide one, but it would cost in excess of £1,500. Councillors agreed that this was far too expensive; Cllr R. Thompson said that his son could make one out of wood. Everyone agreedthat this was a sensible solution and that he be asked for costings. The goal posts were still in need of refurbishment, rubbing down and repainting. Mr. Banks volunteered to undertake this. His offer was gratefully accepted. Action:Cllr Thompson to request his son to quote for making a ramp for the zip wire; Mr. Banks to refurbish goalposts. 


6.  Boundary Commission Review: Cllr Loynes informed that the Borough Council had asked for 36 Councillors, in the expectation that the Commission would be planning to cut the number (currently 33), and this request would probably mean that they would retain the 33.  The Clerk reported that Hart Village wished to be part of a rural ward along with Elwick, with whom they had strong ties, Dalton Piercy, Greatham and Wynyard. All present agreed that this would be a desirable outcome, but there were concerns that the combined populations of the rural area would be insufficient to allow a rural only ward. Cllr Loynes offered to obtain the population figures. A formal response to the Review would be agreed at the July meeting, once the population figures were available. Action: Cllr Loynes to obtain population figures. 

7. Rural Plan: Cllr H. Thompson informed on the lack of progress with the referendum, which was the responsibility of HBC. The Rural Plan group had been led to believe the plan wold go to referendum on several occasions in the last year, but each time HBC had failed to deliver, including the recent by-election, which would have been an ideal opportunity and added very little to the costs of the Borough Council. No explanation had been forthcoming and members of the group were extremely frustrated. Cllr Loynes offered to investigate. Action:Cllr Loynes to investigate the reasons for the delay in the referendum. 

 8. Chairman’s Report: Cllr. Hutchinson stated that had dealt with no issues since the last meeting.He offered to help move the woodchip when the repairs to the Soft Fall area were completed. 

9.  Ward Councillor’s Report: Cllr Loynes offered her apologies for the July meeting – she would be out of the area on Council business. She stated that the broken drains on Church Bank were definitely on the list for repairs, but that it might take some time as there were so many around the town. Highways England would be issuing a Traffic Regulation in regard to the A19 crossing closures, and anyone could object. The Sheraton junction would have to be completed before any closure of the crossings could be made, and this was not now likely to happen before December. Councillors informed her of the following: 

  • Dead seagulls being dumped from a van on at least two occasions, along the Hartlepool road near the crossroads and Quarry Farm;
  • Heavy goods vehicles still coming through the village;
  • Fly tipping;
  • Three of the Church Banks lights are out of sync - two are on when they should be off and one is off when it should be on;
  • Manor Close road sign has still not been repaired
  • The HBC telephone system at the Civic Centre is very poor. Cllr Loynes agreed to look into these. 


10. Wynyard Matters: Cllr Atkins reported that, unlike Stockton, Hartlepool has not undertaken a survey of, nor inspected, the lamp posts in the village even though the lights on them have been updated to LEDs; some of these lampposts are badly corroded, some are leaning, etc. She further reported that the hole in the A689 at the gatehouses layby, was still subsiding. Cllr Loynes agreed to report these issues to the relevant officers.Cllr Atkins thanked the Clerk for her swift action following the last meeting which had resulted in the noise nuisance being addressed. Action:Cllr Loynes to report Wynyard issues. 

11. Village Maintenance Group Report:Cllr Irving reported as follows:

  • Trees in Manor Close were in need of attention – residents had complained that they were blocking light. On inspection she and the Clerk felt that if the trunks were cleared of growth to approximately 6-8 feet this would resolve the matter for the time being. It wasagreedto ask John Pearson to do this on his next visit to cut the grass.
  • One of the concrete fence posts at the bottom of Church bank was broken and the top was hanging off, held only be the wire core. It was a danger to traffic and needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Also, a section of the wooden fence to the Playing Field had rotted and broken off and needed replacing. Councillors agreedthat these matters should be dealt with urgently and agreedto ask James Thompson to address them when he came to complete the soft fall area in the Playing Field at the weekend. 
  • The pond in the Wildlife garden was very overgrown and was drying out. Cllr Irving stated that she was disappointed in the lack of colour in the Wildlife Garden this year, given that wildflower seed had been sown. Other Councillors noted that the wildflowers were disappointing all over the Hartlepool area this year, probably due to the weather. It was agreedto have a Working Party at 6.00pm on Tuesday 2ndJuly to clear the pond. 
  • The bench carved by the children was in need of refurbishment. 
  • The monthly litter pick was due to take place on Saturday 7thJuly, she wondered if some volunteers might be asked to help clear the weeds from the Soft Fall area in the playing Field? This was agreed.

Action:  Clerk to contact J. Pearson re trees, Cllrs Thompson to contact Jamie re fences. All to attend pond working party and litter pick.

  1. Cllr H. Thompson reported that as yet no meeting had been held. She proposed that the Parish Fete be held in September as it was now very late to be organising one for July. After a brief discussion it was agreedto hold the fete on Sunday 9thSeptember from 2-5,00pm. She asked that an invitation to send one or two representatives to the committee be extended to the various organisations in the parish – EVA, WI, PCC, WRA and Young Farmers. She understood that David and Zoe Woodward had already volunteered to help and that we have another volunteer who has offered to paint the stones around the green. Action:Clerk to extend invitation as requested. 

13. Financial Report:The Clerk presented the monthly reports, which were accepted.


                           Income                        £                Expenditure:                                                              £

                  Wayleave                   9.20           Affordable Landscapes (grass)                     650.00

                                                                                          D.M. Ireland (3 months’ salary)                   547.92

                                                                                          HMRC (PAYE)                                                                 136.98

                                                                                          Zurich Municipal (annual Insurance)                             334.26       

                  Total:                                            9.20           Total:                                                                    1,669.16


          Cllr Atkins wished to know the correct way to apply for funds for Wynyard activities, The Clerk responded that a formal request should be made to the Parish Council via herself.          

14. Correspondence:  (a)Youth Focus NE– extend invitation to next meeting’ (b) Lesley Bogeyre unkempt gardens in The Paddock and Manor Close – noted, though not within PCs remit; (c) Paul’s Travel– reduced service -from September – noted and new timetable to be put on website; (d) Hartlepool Water– re future of water - invite to have stall at parish fete; (eChris Banks– resignation from role of webmaster. Mr Banks, being present, explained that the increasing workload of the role was partly the reason for his resignation, which would take effect from the autumn. As the domain name was owned by Paul Dickson, he suggested that Elwick PC should have a website in its own name, to be run by the Clerk, on a similar basis to the excellent one she had developed for Hart Parish Council. This was agreed. Actions: Clerk to invite Youth Action NE to next meeting, Hartlepool Water to hold a stall at fete, investigate availability of domain names and costs for developing a new Parish Council website. C. Banks to put bus timetable on website.  

15. Planning Applications:  

H/2018/0205 – Plot 6, Wellington Gardens,Wynyard – No Objection

H/2018/0372 – Amended plans to reduce no of dwellings from 19 to 5, on land at Wynyard Park – No Objection

H/2018/0142– 30 dwellings on land to south-east of Poppy Close, Wynyard – No Objection in Principle but concern that the number of trees to be removed be kept to a minimum and that native trees be planted elsewhere in the development in mitigation of those removed. Also, that off-road parking spaces per dwelling should equal the number of bedrooms in each dwelling. i.e. a 3-bed house should have at least 3 car parking spaces. 

It was noted that the Application for an extensionof the time for the temporary school at Wynyard had been extended to the end of March 2019.  Also noted that approval had been given for the triple garage with farm office above, at Crookfoot Farm, despite the strong opposition of Elwick Parish Council.  

16. Matters of Concern toCouncillors:  Cllr Thompson noted that since HBC had cut the grass verges along the road to Hartlepool the amount of litter was very noticeable. 

17. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 26thJuly 7.00 pm at Elwick WI Hall. NB: The September meeting is to be held at Wynyard school if available. 

Meeting closed at 10.12 pm.