Minutes of meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 28 November 2016 at Elwick School

Present: Cllrs. J. Hall, P. Hutchinson (Chair), B. Irving, R. Musgrave, H. Thompson, R. Thompson


In Attendance: Ward Cllr. B. Loynes, M. West, Clerk; Diane Atkins, Wynyard Residents Association (WRA);

                             2 members of the public

1. Apologies:   Cllr. J. Sturrock -  accepted.Councillors wished her well and a rapid recovery.


2. Public Forum:

Parking on the Green: (Agenda Item 6) Mr. A. Musgrave wished to discuss the problem of parking in front of Pathways, on the green. There is only space for 3 cars to the rear of the property and, traditionally, owners of the property, as well as neighbouring properties, had occasionally parked in front of their homes, i.e. on the unadopted road along the green. Having spoken to the current tenants, he hoped the matter of trespass on the green had now been resolved. Mr. Musgrave was thanked for his contribution towards resolving the problem of illegal trespass.

3. Declarations of Interest: Clerk – Item 10.


4. Minutes of 31 October 2016: Accepted as a true record and signed & dated by the Chairman.


5. Matters Arising:

(a) Paving around the Notice Board – The Clerk reported that this had now been completed. Cllr Hall stated that the new paving looked much better, although not all Councillors agreed.

(b) Millstone – The Clerk reported that she had contacted David Knox, sign writer, who had agreed to undertake the painting. She had also instigated the production of a brass commemorative plaque.

(c) PO/Shop – the Clerk reported that a letter had been sent to the national PO; no response as yet.

(d) Playing Field hedge/fence – The Clerk reported that investigation had shown the Parish Council was responsible for the maintenance of the hedge/fence around the Playing Field. The Chairman informed that he had received a quote from his own fencing supplier, Geoff Bell, whom he considered to be a very cost effective provider, of £1,600 to provide and install new wiring on the current posts. However, Mr. Bell considered the posts to be inadequate to carry the wiring, and to replace the posts would cost a further £1,300. After some discussion it was agreed to defer any decision until further tenders could be sought. It was further agreed that Affordable Landscapes should be invited to tender as well as one other local provider. Action: Clerk to seek tenders.

(e) Replacing of stones/cleaning of signage – not yet completed. Action: Chairman and Cllr Hall to organise.

(f) Computer Club – The Clerk reported that she had sent promotional material to Parish Councils at Dalton Piercy and Hart, the central library and the Hartlepool Mail. To date there had been no response.

(g) Rural Plan – the Clerk reported that the Rural Neighbourhood Plan was going out to final consultation in early February 2017 (the delay is in order not to confuse people with the Local Plan consultation which is just about to commence). Once this consultation is complete the Rural Plan will go before the Independent Inspector and, finally to a Referendum.

11. Wynyard Issues: The Chairman requested this change in the order of the Agenda. Mrs. Atkins, WRA Secretary, raised the following issues:

(a) The WRA would like the Precept raised from Wynyard residents to be ring-fenced in future for Wynyard activities;

(b) The third junction on A689 has no pedestrian crossing or refuge on the roundabout, and there is no pavement on the south side of the road at this point either. Residents with young children have to cross the A689 at this point to get to the primary school, and there is great concern that a fatality will occur soon if nothing is done to address the problem. The WRA has been informed that it would cost £330,000 to install a pelican crossing. Eventually, with the planned increase in housing on the north side of the A689, a further crossing will be needed at the Samsung junction. The WRA requests Elwick PC's support in pressing Hartlepool Borough Council to expedite the provision of  A689 crossings.

(c) There is concern about the speed of traffic near the temporary primary school; on the Stockton BC side of the estate there are speed bumps, but nothing to slow traffic on the Hartlepool BC side. Also, a new development is about to start right beside the school;  with the restricted amount of parking space at the school leading to parents/teachers parking along the road, with the added problem of heavy development traffic, there is the likelihood of an accident sooner rather than later. Again WRA asks Elwick PC support in raising these issues with HBC.

The Clerk noted that she had already contacted Mike Blair at HBC re issues (b) and (c).

The Chairman thanked Mrs. Atkins and all agreed to take Wynyard's requests into account when setting the budget/precept for 2017/18.

Mrs. Atkins asked that her apologies are noted for the January PC meeting.


6. Parking around the green: The Clerk informed that the issue had raised further, potentially serious, issues for the Parish Council, as the HBC map of adopted roads clearly shows that the track along the north side of the green is unadopted, as is the road up to Mr. Graham's property, which is clearly on Common Land/registered Village Green, and thus the Parish Council may be responsible for its maintenance. To date no evidence of permissions to cross this land had been found by residents, though the Clerk would go back through Minutes to seek such. Ownership of the road was still under investigation. Action: Clerk to investigate ownership of road and research Minutes.

7. Chairman's Report:(a)The Chairman reported that, since the last meeting he, together with the Clerk, the Chairman and Clerk of Grindon Parish Council , whose parish covers the Stockton part of Wynyard, had attended a meeting with the Wynyard Residents Association Chair and Secretary – issues arising at this meeting had been raised earlier in this meeting, and that (b) he had obtained the quote for the repair of the Playing Field fence.

8. Ward Councillor's Report: Cllr Loynes reported that: (i) the resurfacing of Church Bank is to be completed within this financial year, as are the pavements in North Lane, and that some of the paving in Martindale Close, is to be cleaned and relaid. (ii) The new salt bin had been re-sited as requested, near to the WI hall; (Cllr Loynes was reminded that the salt bin on the middle crossing of the green was still broken). (iii)  The old waste bin on the Playing Field had now been removed.

Cllr Loynes reported on a visit to the waste recycling centre in Middlesbrough where issues of non-compliance by Hartlepool residents had been raised. She also reported that, from 2017 onwards, the brown bins would be collected throughout October, to reflect the increased requirement of autumn garden waste /leaf collection.

The Clerk presented a list of actions requested of HBC by the Parish Council during 2016, using a traffic light system to show which had been completed, partially completed or not yet addressed. It was noted that most issues remained red. It was agreed that this be a regular report to the PC and be forwarded to Denise Ogden, HBC. Action: Clerk to forward report.

9. Village Maintenance Group Report:  Cllr Hall reported that the stone reported at the last meeting had now been replaced and repainted and that the signs on Church Bank were to be cleaned.

10. Remuneration Working Group: The Clerk, Cllr Loynes and members of the public left the meeting at this point.

A confidential Minute taken by Cllr R. Thompson records the discussion.

The Clerk rejoined the meeting, to be informed that the Parish Council had agreed that the current Clerk's salary should be on NJC scale point 23/24, for 20 hours per month, and that this would be effective from April 2016, to be reviewed in April 2017. The Clerk thanked Councillors for their consideration.

11. Financial Report:  (a) The Clerk presented the financial reports, which were accepted.


Income:                                             £                       Expenditure:                                £

Donation for Millstone                  350.00               Broadband Line                                          30.48

Wayleave                                    10.00              General maintenance                                183.75

                                                                        Grass cutting/strimming                           140.00

                                                                        Miscellaneous (Paving around

                                                                        notice board; workshop for Computer Club)            380.00 

Total                                         360.00               Total                                                                 734.23 

(b)  Councillors agreed that Mr. Adamson should be required to meet the costs of clearing up his garden, and to be invoiced in the sum of £100. Action: Clerk to issue invoice.

(c) The Clerk reported that she had been advised that a second application to the Transparency Fund would be acceptable. It was agreed that such an application be made, to cover the costs of the Clerk's time in transferring all Parish Council data to the new computer.  Action: Clerk to make application. 


12. Budget 2017/18:Suggestions for the budget included: dog-waste bins for Wynyard; fencing for the Playing Field; repair/renewal of the cinder paths at both ends of the village; Rural Transport.   Action: The Clerk to cost these and prepare a number of financial scenarios for the January PC meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

13. Correspondence:

(a) Airvolution– re Red Gap Wind Farm Community Fund – Councillors approved appointment of GrantScape to administer the funds. Agreed to invite representative to meet with EPC and DPPC early 2017. Action: Clerk to invite. 

b) Mrs. Oliver –(i) complaint about dog fouling and request for PC to raise in Village Life, agreed, (ii) blocked drain – Clerk has already raised this with HBC. Action: Highlight in PC Report in Village Life

(c) SBC – Draft Local Plan consultation - noted

(d) Dept for Transport – response to letter sent by Clerk with reference to misuse of public funds on unused bus stops. Letter indicates a lack of understanding of the core issue and only offers condolence at loss of rural transport which is to be referred to Department's Buses and Taxis department.

11. Planning Applications:  H/2016/0428 -  Plot 20, Manorside, Wynyard – no objection

                                                  H/2016/0483 – 1, Cawthorne Place, Wynyard – no objection

                                            H/2016/0484 – Wynyard Manor, Wynyard – no objection

                                            H/2016/0497 – Plot 13, Manorside, Wynyard – no objection

                                                  H/2016/0501 – Land at Wynyard Woods – no objection

                                            H/2016/0185 – Land at North pentagon, Wynyard – no objection

                                                                                     H/2016/0510 – Sheraton West Grange Bungalow – removal of Agricultural Occupancy Condition – strongly object; against Rural Plan and known that at least one person interested in purchase who would fulfil requirements for occupancy.

12. Matters of Concern to Councillors: Cllr J. Hall raised concern about the potholes in the cinder path on Church Bank. It was agreed to purchase some cold tar to fill the potholes. Action: Clerk to purchase tar and arrange to have holes filled.

No other matters were raised.

Date of next meeting:  7.00 pm,Monday 30th January 2017 at Elwick school.


Meeting closed at 10.10 pm.